Walberton Pre-School
A fabulous pre-school in Walberton, West Sussex
We take children from the age of 2, until they leave us to go to school.

Younger children (age 2 and 3) join our Robins Class and the older children (age 3 and 4, preparing to leave us to go to school the following Autumn Term) join our Owls Class. Both classes share the wonderful, spacious, light play space that we create in Walberton Village Hall. Children also have access to a safe, secure outside area that we use all year round. This outdoor learning space has been described as "Walberton's best kept secret" by visiting parents!
Children do not have to be potty trained before they start pre-school, and, yes, we do change them during the session if needed. We do ask that they wear 'pull-ups' rather than nappies when they are showing an interest in using the toilet, as these encourage independence.
We aim to give your child the best possible start to their formal education. In common with all pre-schools, we teach the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We passionately believe that children learn through play and we strive to make pre-school varied, fun, interesting and inspiring.
Each child is allocated ‘keyworkers’ and formal records, called Learning Journals, are kept on their progress; the children know these records as their ‘books of cleverness’. We use an App to record progress and share information and photos with parents. You, as parents, are your child’s first educators and we want to work with you and share their achievements at home and at pre-school and we are always on hand to help and advise when you need us; as well as our professional pre-school experiences, all of our staff are parents too.
In addition to our informal chats when you drop off and collect your child, we invite parents and carers to formal ‘Parent’s Mornings’ twice yearly. Here we share our formal pre-school records and hear about what your child likes to do outside pre-school and plan future activities to suit your child’s needs.